Portfolio & Asset Management
We create the wealth you want to live the life you deserve
Get investment adviceAdvanced portfolio management tailored to your needs
Holborn delivers comprehensive asset management solutions. To meet our clients’ needs, we develop bespoke portfolio management strategies and offer tailored wealth planning services. Our approach to managing wealth is focused on preserving your capital, delivering robust returns and providing high risk-adjusted-performance.
Knowing your needs and targets is essential for us. After conducting a thorough review of your financial situation, goals and risk appetite, we will suggest the most suitable investment solution for you. Doing this, we can help you make the most of short-term investment opportunities, while also meeting your long-term investment goals.
That’s how we can help you make the most of short-term investment opportunities whilst also meeting your long- term investment goals.
Your portfolio will be reinforced by the three pillars of our investment strategy that we have built up over 20 years of successful investment:
Dynamic investment:
Dynamic asset allocation to optimise your investment over time in line with market conditions.
Diversified investment:
Enhanced portfolio diversification beyond the usual blend of stocks, bonds and cash.
Robust investment:
Pragmatic fund selection means the freedom to mix and match passive (Index Trackers, ETFs) and actively-managed funds.
To offer that final reassurance, our clients can relax knowing that our portfolios are registered in Luxembourg and Dublin. These locations are two of the world’s largest and most regulated exchanges globally. This ensures your capital remains safe and secure at all times.
As with any investment, Holborn Assets cannot guarantee that you will get back what capital you put in. However, we can reduce and smooth out those bumps in the investment road. Our portfolios are designed to weather volatile markets and deliver long-term financial success.
Our portfolio managers employ innovative investment techniques intended always to outperform the market in all market conditions. You can trust us to choose suitable investments and to help you make informed decisions about your financial future.